Targets Proudly Printed in AUSTRALIA
Did you know one of our areas of expertise is Target Printing? Specifically for sporting shooters and clubs. We deliver to clubs and individuals all over Australia. We are proud to print targets for Amateur Pistol Associations, Rifle Associations, Indoor Shooting Ranges and Acadamies, Outdoor Sporting Shooters and Security firms, to name a few.
Paper supplies have been affected by the pandemic which has stalled lots of shipments, including our target board. We’ve been waiting for our latest order to arrive for weeks! Finally it arrived and today’s print run was a big one.

Targets, wrapped, stacked ready to restock shelves and ship out.

Targets, stacked and ready to wrap for restocking shelves and shipping.

Targets at the quality control station.

This is the press we use for target printing at Gowans & Son. It’s a big one!
See the range of targets we print and distribute And here’s more of what we do!